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Fear and Forgiveness

By Ernest Holmes

Fear is the great enemy of man. It is impossible for a person to do his best if he is filled with anxiety. Unless we live without fear today, we will dread tomorrow. Those who live in the dread of tomorrow generally harbor memories of things that were unpleasant in their previous experience and expect that more of this unpleasantness will transpire in the future. The present-day in which they live is robbed of all peace and joy. …

Yesterday is forever past. We cannot relive it. No matter how we may regret what happened yesterday, it is impossible to live it over again; but too often in imagination, we do live it over again and again, and in so doing bring all the misery of yesterday into today.

Learn to forget yesterday. After we have gone over it and learned from our mistakes, the thing to do is to correct those mistakes and forgive ourselves for anything we have done.


— Entry for April 8, 365: Science of Mind

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